Game Talk


So Crytek do not want to do any more PC (Read windows) exclusive titles any more.
The reason, as they say, is due to the heavy pirate copying of their latest game
"Crysis". They claim that the console versions sell 4-5 times more than the computer
Now, it is very easy to say that "oh the piracy is so bad it makes us cry in pain.." and then
go on to collectively punish all and everyone. They never, not even once, stop to think about
the game it self. Oh, it might be all so nice looking. The graphics and physics engine surly took
very long time to develop. But the game it self is, to put it mildly, is nothing new at all. It's a shallow
and poorly told story with half assed action. And yet it demands a daemon computer to even
show off it's 24 carat gold face.
It is not unlike a gorgeous blonde. Beautiful, attractive, sexy but dumb as rock.
That might not excuse piracy but it explains it.
I know of and have played game titles that demands WAY less computer and still gives
100 times the entertainment of Crysis. So why should we care?

Look at Stardock and their new title "Sins of a Solar Empire".
Fairly low budget development. Not the newest graphics but still very nice looking.
Great game play and works on most machine setups.
They are probably out selling every title out there and still they do not have any
copy protection OR complain about piracy. In fact they do the opposite and publicly state that
they simply do not care about that. What they do is care about are those who actually buy the game.
In my humble opinion most other big game developer should listen to this and take to heart.
Then maybe their games would sell better.
Even simpler put: If you leave us we will leave you!

What crytek put out there is simply not good enough to care about when they complain.
